One step at a time

Stage 1: Maps (completed) 
Stage 2: Custscenes (almost completed)
Stage 3: enemies, playtesting and balancing (starts next) 

So the game for the Ice Queen RPG Maker Jam has passed mid-way in its development. I must say I am mildly, but not completely, satisfied: this time as well I am sticking with many defaults of RPG Maker, due to time constraints on one hand, and for this being only my second game on the other.
In the future however it is my intention to go a bit deeper in the system, changing random encounters with encounters on map, or a straight action RPG style, or maybe using an SRPG plugin. Personalising the menu a bit more is also in my bucket list, for future projects. One step at a time. 

For now let's focus on getting this completed.

Get Little Adventurers 2 - The legendary Ice Queen

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